Monday, November 24, 2014

Worldwide Trends for Going Green

It takes time for any new product or action to develop and spread throughout the globe. "Going green" began many years ago but has only recently come to the very forefront of our minds and our surroundings.

The "plastic bag movement" is a prime example of this gradual change. has tracked the development since 2002 in Canada, the United States, Australia, Taiwan, India, Ireland, and further. Did you know Switzerland is a leader not only in the reusable bag movement but in recycled PET (PolyEthylene Terephtalate) as well? Over 82% of PET sold in Switzerland is recycled. Learn more about going green from below:

Trends From Around the World
We first started tracking the plastic bag issue in 2002, reporting on Ireland’s PlasTax and various other bag bans and taxes worldwide. While most of the efforts we covered were government-led, there were also significant grassroots movements building to control the bag beast weve created over the past 25 years. Here’s a look back at our coverage of this issue over the years, a snapshot of the formation of the early years of the movement from 2003-2007.
For more on bag laws in recent years, check out and the Florida Department of Environmental Protection’s detailed Retail Bags Maps.  Read additional coverage in our Newsroom.

Africa 2003
In South Africa, plastic bags have been dubbed the "national flower" because so many can be seen flapping from fences and caught in bushes. In response to the government threat of a ban on single-use plastic bags, the plastics industry lobbied for a bag tax instead. Negotiations led to a bag tax set for introduction in May 2003, to be paid by manufacturers and passed on to consumers. Similar to the Irish PlasTax, the charge per bag will appear on shoppers sales receipts as a reminder that they can save money if they use reusable bags. South Africa is also improving recovery and recycling systems.

Africa 2005
The Kenyan government, in conjunction with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis, issued a report on Feb. 23, 2005 suggesting that Kenya ban the common plastic bag that one gets at the checkout counter of grocery stores, and place a levy on other plastic bags, all to combat the countrys environmental problems stemming from the bags popularity. Money raised from the levies might be used to create more effective recycling programs. Kenyas President Mwai Kibaki recently said: "In our major cities, plastic bags are used in large quantities at the household level. However, these bags are not disposed of in ways that ensure a clean environment. My country welcomes initiatives to address this problem." Read more about the report here.

Africa 2007
In 2006 Vice-President Ali Mohamed Shein declared a total ban on plastic bags. Kenya and Uganda are implementing less severe restrictions, prohibiting thinner plastic bags and imposing levies on thicker ones. According to the BBC, Kenyas partial ban went into effect on June 14, 2007, and Uganda followed on July 1. Meanwhile, South Africas 2003 initiative has curbed the number of bags floating around the country, but some environmentally-focused constituents are complaining that the funds from the tax have not been funneled into recycling programs or other green initiatives. Others worry that retailers are even profiting from the levies because they upcharge customers for the bags. More on this here. Kenya faces a tougher battle: With 48 million plastic bags produced locally each year, plastics manufacturers are not caving in, and people are slow to adopt reusable bags. Nobel laureate Wangari Maathai is urging shoppers to carry kiondos (baskets).

Australia 2003
Australia is in the process of deciding how to control plastic bag waste, and is considering a tax on single-use HDPE bags.

Australia 2005
The retailers Code of Practice for the Management of Plastic Carry Bags was accepted by Ministers in October 2003. There are many commitments, including reaching a 25% reduction in plastic bag use by the end of 2004 and a 50% reduction in plastic bag use by 2005. The Code includes a commitment by retailers to report twice a year. Initial reports show that Australian supermarket shoppers slashed their use of plastic bags by 29% by June 2004! Furthermore, Coles Bay in Tasmania successfully banned plastic check-out bags in all their retail stores. In the first twelve months, Coles Bay stopped the use of 350,000 plastic check-out bags.

Australia 2007
Planet Ark, an Australian organization that runs public campaigns to educate consumers on environmental issues, estimates retailers Coles, Woolworths, and Safeway stores have sold over 10 million reusable bags – a sound alternative to "giveaway" plastic bags. Most efforts by retailers have been voluntary, and major retailers cut their plastic usage by 45% between 2003 and 2005. Retailers hope that the success of voluntary efforts will preclude any levies on plastic bag consumption. In 2006, the state of Victoria began charging consumers for each plastic bag they use. Smaller businesses are exempt, but the government hopes that the initiative will reduce the 1.1 billion bags per year consumed in Victoria alone. This measure might push the rest of Australia to adopt similar measures. For example, a spokesperson for NSW Environment ministry stated, "If Victoria comes up with a workable model then we would certainly be interested in considering it." More on this here.

Bangladesh 2003
In March 2002, Bangladesh put a ban on all polyethylene bags in the capital, Dhaka, after they were found to have been the main culprit during the 1988 and 1998 floods that submerged two-thirds of the country. Discarded bags were choking the drainage system. Plans are to extend the ban nationwide.

Bangladesh 2005
The polythene ban is leading to a revival of the jute bag industry and other sustainable and biodegradable alternatives. It is widely acknowledged that jute may be one of the solutions to the polythene menace. Jute grows abundantly in Bangladesh and requires a lot less energy for processing than polythene.

Bangladesh 2007
The revival of the jute bag industry in Bangladesh continues to provide sustainable living for Bangladeshis. In 2006 Australias organization "Keep Australia Beautiful" awarded a "Plastic Bag Reduction Award" to a business that provides sustainable-trade, Bangladesh-made jute bags to mainstream Australian retailers.

Belgium 2007
In June 2007, the Belgium government starts phasing in a tax on single-use plastic bags to change retailers habits. "If the only way people will understand is through their pocketbooks," a Belgian store owner states, "so be it." Watch a BBC video report on the new ecotax for retailers, the cost of which will be passed onto consumers. More on this here.

Canada 2007
The Ontario government has committed to reduce plastic bag consumption 50% in the next five years. The initiative also includes monitoring and reporting to ensure progress is indeed made. "Ontarians use almost 80 plastic bags per second - thats close to seven million bags every day," said Ontario Environment Minister Laurel Broten. "Reducing the volume of plastic bags that end up in landfills is a top priority for us," she added. For more information, visit our Newsroom.
The Canadian Plastics Industry is launching defensive strategies, including websites such as, arguing that plastic bags are useful, convenient, and inexpensive. They urge customers to use them but to use them wisely by reusing and recycling. "It is hard to think of a world without them," the website proclaims.

China 2003
The term "white pollution" has been coined in China for the tumbleweed of polythene blowing on the streets. According to UKs The Guardian, 2 billion bags are used each day.

China 2005
To combat the growing problem of plastic bags in China, Guo Geng, a political adviser in Beijing, has proposed the introduction of a "bag tax" to decrease demand for plastic bags and to raise more money to tackle pollution caused by the bags. Media reports claim that the Ministry of Finance is conducting a feasibility study for introducing such a tax.

China 2008
China prohibits stores from giving away free plastic bags. Their strategy, removed from the increasingly-common bans and taxes of other countries, states that a clearly marked price must be placed beside bags previously given away. Additionally, ultrathin plastic bags of less than 0.025 millimeters were banned, with further talk of bag taxes in the future.

Denmark 2003
As part of a larger packaging tax introduced in 1994, Denmark taxes plastic bags. The stated aim is to promote reusable bags. However, the tax is paid by retailers when they purchase bags, rather than by shoppers, yielding less dramatic results than the Irish PlasTax, which charges consumers directly for each bag used. Still, consumption of paper and plastic bags has declined 66%.

Denmark 2005
Denmark employs a general waste tax that has proven to be very successful. The waste tax is differentiated so that it is most expensive to landfill waste, cheaper to incinerate it and tax exempt to recycle it. Also, they have so-called "green" taxes on packaging, plastic bags, disposable tableware and nickel-cadmium batteries.

Hong Kong 2003
In 2001, it was estimated that 27 million plastic shopping bags were disposed of each day in Hong Kong. This is four times the individual consumption level in Australia. Hong Kong has implemented a campaign of "No plastic bag, please," and prohibits larger retailers from providing free bags. The program has been designed to educate the public on alternatives to plastic bags and to encourage customers to make environmentally-friendly decisions and purchases. In addition, there is a tax for products for which there is an environmentally-friendly alternative readily available.

Hong Kong 2007
In a paper tabled to lawmakers May 21, the Hong Kong Environmental Protection Department urged legislators to agree to impose a levy to cut plastic bag use, stating that a 50-cent levy could cut plastic bag use in Hong Kong -- currently estimated at 8 billion bags annually -- by one billion. Some leaders in Hong Kong are worried that charging customers for plastic bags will increase the use of paper bags. They also worry it will hurt small businesses, and advocate for increased public education efforts rather than additional levies. A member of the Green Student Council in Hong Kong states that levies do make a significant impact. "On no-plastic bag days, which is held one day a month, an average of 50 percent of shoppers bring along their own bags, so it helps."

India 2003
In India, a law introduced recently prohibits plastic bags thinner than 20 microns in the cities of Bombay and Delhi, along with the entire states of Maharashtra and Kerala. The restriction is meant to discourage production and use due to the thicker bags being more expensive and has demonstrated marginal success.

India 2005
In the northern Indian state of Himachal Pradesh, a new law states that anyone found even using a polythene bag could face prison or a stiff fine. The new law bans the production, storage, use, sale and distribution of polythene bags. The law is based on legislation passed by the national parliament, but Himachal Pradesh is the first state to have implemented it. In addition, the government of the western Indian state of Maharashtra banned the manufacture, sale and use of all plastic bags, saying they choked drainage systems during recent monsoon rains. Manufacturers and stores selling plastic bags will be fined 5,000 rupees while individuals using bags face penalties of 100,000 rupees (approximately $2,000). Read more in our Newsroom.

India 2007
Other parts of India are focusing on public information campaigns. According to The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), in Panaji, Goa, a community has launched a system in which individuals donate old newspapers and magazines, which are cut into paper-bags and sold to shops to reduce plastic bag usage.

Ireland 2003
Republic of Ireland was consuming 1.2 billion plastic shopping bags per year before introducing the PlasTax. Since the tax of about $.15 per bag was introduced in March 2002, consumption has plummeted 90%. To complete the win-win cycle, the $9.6 million raised from the tax in the first year is put into a "green fund" to further benefit the environment.

Ireland 2005
The extremely effective PlasTax continues to produce amazing results, the latest figures estimating 95% reduction in consumption. This levy has been viewed as a major success by the government and environmental groups alike. It also has been enthusiastically embraced by Irish consumers, thanks to an intensive environmental awareness campaign launched in conjunction with the levy. Irish retailers, although initially skeptical, also have recognized the huge benefits of this levy. The amount of plastic being sent to Irish landfills has been reduced dramatically. The result: a clear, visual improvement in cities, on coastlines and in the countryside.

Ireland 2007
Ireland continues to be the paragon of countries in the fight against plastic bags. Efforts from California to Somali look to the success of the PlasTax. Customers have adopted reusable bags and retailers no longer incur much cost. In February 2007, the BBC reported that plastic bag usage per individual increased in 2006, and Ireland is raising the tax to 22 cents per bag. "We need to ensure that the success story continues into the future," stated Irish Environment Minister Dick Roche. "There has been no increase in the levy since its inception and I am anxious to ensure that its impact is not diminished." More on this here.

New Zealand 2003
According to Stuff (New Zealands leading news website with 430,000 unique users per month), it is estimated that New Zealanders use more than 2.2 million plastic bags each week. Several of New Zealands leading retailers are taking the initiative to tackle the plastic bag beast by introducing reusable shopping bags for sale. Foodstuffs New Zealand, owner of PakN Save and New World, is stocking shelves with 20,000 cotton reusable bags while competitor Progressive Enterprises scrambles to follow suit. The Warehouse is also doing its own line in reusable bags. Initial results have been positive.

New Zealand 2005
Government sponsored programs are promoting environmental awareness, urging consumers to Reduce Your Rubbish and consider eco-friendly alternatives to plastic bags. Grassroots efforts are also popping up around the country to help in the fight to eliminate plastic bags.

New Zealand 2007
A study for the New Zealand Retailers Association (NZRA) found 8 out of 10 New Zealanders used free plastic shopping bags per week. Starting in July, retailers New World, Foodtown, Woolworths, Pakn Save, and Countdown will have their employees ask customers at checkout to think twice before using the plastic bags. More on this here.

Scotland 2003
Scotland may put a "plastax" on plastic bags - recent legislation proposed in Scotland would put a 15-pence tax on each disposable plastic bag handed out to shoppers. The levy is based on Irelands "PlasTax," which only a few months after it was implemented, succeeded in lowering plastic bag consumption 90% while raising 3.5 million euro for environmental projects.

Scotland 2005
Scotlands threatened levy on plastic carrier bags has moved closer to approval. A new bill outlining the proposal is now almost ready to be put before the Scottish Parliament. In addition, many regions are joining the fight against plastic bags. Reusable cotton shopping bags are to be distributed free to shoppers on a trial basis to encourage people to reduce the number of plastic bags they use, under the the "Fantastic its not plastic!" initiative. Furthermore, Amy Gray, Aberdeen City Councils Business Waste Minimisation Officer says, "Aberdeen City Council is encouraging residents to become more waste aware. Refusing plastic bags at checkouts is a simple step anyone can take to reduce the amount of waste they produce. Aberdeen City Council is also lobbying for the introduction of a tax on plastic bags in line with other forms of packaging."

Scotland 2007
In late 2006 the bill to tax plastic bags was withdrawn, but its initial conception succeeded in raising awareness for voluntary efforts to protect the environment by curbing plastic bag usage. An Edinburgh supermarket is piloting a program of "green tills," allowing shoppers who are not using plastic carrier bags to get through the checkouts faster. For more information, visit our Newsroom.

Switzerland 2003
Switzerland requires supermarkets to charge $.15 to $.20 per paper bag. The majority of shoppers bring their own reusable shopping bags.

Switzerland 2007
The Swiss are leaders not only in the reusable bag movement but in recycled PET. Over 82% of PET sold in Switzerland is recycled. Read more about the benefits of Recycled PET here.

Taiwan 2003
In October 2001, Taiwan introduced a ban on distribution of free single-use plastic bags by government agencies, schools and the military. The ban has been expanded to include supermarkets, fast food outlets and department stores, and will eventually apply to street vendors and food dealers. Disposable cutlery and dishes are also prohibited. The head of Taiwans EPA felt so strongly about the issue that he made an ultimatum that he would quit if the ban wasnt implemented. Even though the plastic bag industry lobbied hard, it was drowned out by the majority and the ban was implemented.

Taiwan 2007
In 2006 Taiwans EPA lifted the ban and now free plastic bags can be offered by food service operators. The EPA was concerned that plastic bags reused for food could create health problems. Even though it was short-lived, its effect lingers simply because consumers became more aware of the plastic bag menace. In a survey conducted by the administration, 77% of respondents claimed to have cut back on the use of plastic bags since the ban, and 45% of respondents had continued not to consume plastic bags after the ban was lifted. "This is indeed an improvement," a statement issued by the EPA said, "given that only 18 percent reported carrying their own plastic bags before the policy was officially implemented five years ago." More on this here.

United Kingdom 2003
Inspired by Ireland, the United Kingdom is considering a PlasTax. The current Minister of the Environment, Michael Meacher, is in favor of it. But the British Plastics Federation, the "Carrier Bag Consortium," and other plastics industry groups are strongly opposing such a tax.

United Kingdom 2005
While the government has yet to adopt a plastic bag tax , it fully supports reusable carrier bags and some retailers have taken up the cause. "Bag for life" and "penny back" schemes have been introduced by some of the large supermarket chains, encouraging consumers to consider the benefits of reusable bags as an alternative to plastic bags.

United Kingdom 2007
As of 2007 it is estimated that the average UK consumer uses 167 plastic bags per year, and only 1 bag in 200 is recycled. The government shows no signs of introducing a ban or a tax. It prefers encouraging retailers to commit to recycling. The recent popularity of UK-based fashion designer Anya Hindmarchs "Im Not A Plastic Bag" tote has raised popular interest in the anti-plastic bag campaign, but many environmentalists arent convinced that making environmentalism trendy will influence usage in the long-term. Rebecca Hosking, a Devon-based activist, has succeeded in freeing her small town of plastic bags. She urges individual and grassroots efforts in the fight against plastic bags. "My best advice to anyone who wants their town to be free of plastic bags is that they are going to have to fight the fight themselves."

United States 2003
While this is a relatively new area of concern in the United States it is ripe to take-off. The federal system in the US means that cities, states, and local townships can initiate their own actions aimed at significantly curbing single-use plastic bags.

United States 2006
As many of you already know, San Francisco is thinking about imposing a 17 cent surcharge on plastic and paper grocery bags. They would be the first US city to do so, if the proposal gets the go-ahead. One study has shown that stores are handing San Franciscans around 50 million bags year!

United States 2007
San Francisco is banning plastic bags! Visit our Newsroom for more information. The city hopes its legislation will be a model for other US cities. New Haven, CT is also considering an ordinance that would ban plastic bags, while Marin County, CA has launched an educational campaign and encourages businesses to promote reusable bags. For more information on these efforts visit our Newsroom: New Haven story and Marin County story.
Large retailers, such as IKEA, are also forging the way for plastic bag-free shopping experiences simply by not offering free bags. In March U.S. stores started charging 5 cents per plastic bag, and the proceeds from the bag campaign will go to a conservation organization. In addition, they lowered the cost of their strong and roomy "Big Blue Bag" to encourage reuse – one sturdy, roomy bag can replace hundreds of single-use bags.
If we let our voices be heard, we will soon see cities and states around the US start to implement smart measures such as Irelands PlasTax.
Visit our Take Action section to see what you can do to change the status quo.

Recycled PET - A Sustainable Path for Plastic
Approximately 31% of plastic bottles produced in the United States are made from a material called PolyEthylene Terephtalate, "PET" or "PETE." Usually clear or green, the plastic is mostly used for consumer goods such as soda bottles and food jars. According to the National Association for PET Container Resources (NAPCOR), in 2005 United States manufacturers produced 5.075 billion pounds of PET products. Such a high production rate makes finding uses for post-consumer plastics imperative. If the current rate of manufacturing and consumer recycling remains, 40 billion pounds of PET waste will be added to our landfills within only a decade. While recycling is not the end-all, be-all solution for ridding the world of the plastic bag beast, its a sustainable path for plastic products. 

In the late 1970s, only a few years after PET entered the United States marketplace, forward-thinking companies found the means to transform recycled PET into many useful products - the most common being packaging (such as new bottles) and fiber (carpet and other textile) applications. Other companies followed suit, and by the late 1990s were finding uses for over 1/2 billion pounds of recycled PET per year. Products made of Recycled PET include blankets, belts, shoes, insulation, and even car parts
In 1987 the Society of the Plastics Industry (SPI) labeled PET with resin code "#1" and created the easily recognizable "chasing arrows" symbol so that consumers would know that products made from this material were recyclable. 

Recycled PET Lifecycle
PET is recycled after consumption. After consumer recyclables have been collected and sorted by type at recycling centers, PET products are crushed, pressed into bales, shredded, and refined into PET flakes. These flakes are transformed into the raw materials that innovative companies transform into new products.  The difference between virgin PET and Recycled PET is indistinguishable. A study by the Waste & Resources Action Programme (WRAP) determined that consumers could not tell the difference between products made of recycled material, and the environmental benefits of Recycled PET are phenomenal. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 2/3 less energy is required to manufacture products made out of recyclable plastic. Other studies show that the production of recycled plastic requires 2/3 less of sulphur dioxide, 50% less of nitrous oxide, and almost 90% less water usage. More here

Whats Next
  Most Recycled PET has been used for non-food and non-beverage related products, but some companies are pushing for the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to more readily approve the use of post-consumer PET for food packaging.  WRAP has received support from prominent companies such as Coca-Cola, Marks & Spencer, and Boots (a UK cosmetics company), to research more uses for Recycled PET. The study met with positive results, with the material meeting safety standards for use in beverage and cosmetic packaging. These companies have promised to incorporate Recycled PET into future manufacturing. Consumers are impressed - according to Marks & Spencer, 85% of its surveyed customers claimed that the companys initiatives made them happier to shop at the store.  Even if other manufacturers arent socially and environmentally motivated to reduce their own impact on the environment, consumer sentiment may sway them in the right direction. As demand increases, and as new applications for Recycled PET are discovered, the marketplace will foster more incentives for consumers to recycle PET. As of 2005, 23.1% of the 5.075 billion tons of PET produced in the U.S. were collected for recycling. This percentage will likely grow as consumers become more educated and more countries adopt legislation to use the SPIs easily recognizable "chasing arrows" symbol for PET bottles so that consumers find it easier to know how to recycle them.  Some U.S. states have already implemented financial incentives for consumers to bring in plastic bottles for recycling, and others have encouraged "curbside" collection to make recycling easier for the average citizen. In addition, progressive consumers and companies will encourage efforts for the plastics industry to design products in ways that make them more efficient and cheaper to recycle. The European Union has been more aggressive in PET recycling legislation. In 2001, all EU countries were required to meet a 15% plastic packaging recycling target, and in 2008 it will increase to 22.5%. 

Next Generation PET & More
Part of our ongoing mission is to incorporate truly sustainable fabrics into our innovative line of reusable shopping bags. From Next Generation PET to Recycled Cotton, stay tuned for exciting new products made from the most eco-friendly fabrics on the market. 

Click here to see our growing line of products made from recycled content, including recycled PET.

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